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  • Atul Rajasthan Olympic Era Sharirik Shiksha ek Atulya Sangrah 11111+ Vastunisth By Suresh Dewanda
  • Atul Rajasthan Olympic Era Sharirik Shiksha ek Atulya Sangrah 11111+ Vastunisth By Suresh Dewanda

Atul Rajasthan Olympic Era Sharirik Shiksha ek Atulya Sangrah 11111+ Vastunisth By Suresh Dewanda

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PublicationDewanda Publication
AuthorSharirik Shiksha 
Edition 2023

Atul Rajasthan Olympic Era Sharirik Shiksha - An Invaluable Compilation of 11111+ Vastunisth

Presenting the 2023 edition of Atul Rajasthan Olympic Era Sharirik Shiksha by Suresh Dewanda, a comprehensive guide that promises an immersive journey through physical education, especially curated for competitive exam aspirants. Published by Dewanda Publication and available in Hindi, this book is a rich resource of 11111+ Vastunisth, meticulously compiled and detailed for a thorough preparation.

Features of Atul Rajasthan Olympic Era Sharirik Shiksha:

  • Extensive collection of 11111+ Vastunisth questions for thorough practice.
  • Comprehensive coverage of topics related to physical education and sports science.
  • In-depth explanation of each topic, ensuring conceptual clarity.
  • Designed in accordance with the latest examination patterns.
  • Available in an easy-to-understand Hindi language.

About Dewanda Publication:

Dewanda Publication has carved a niche in the educational publishing sector, providing a plethora of books and guides that cater to the needs of students and competitive exam aspirants alike. Authored by seasoned educators like Suresh Dewanda, our publications ensure you embark on a seamless preparation journey.

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