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  • Drishti NTA UGC NET JRF SLAT Paper 1

Drishti NTA UGC NET JRF SLAT Paper 1

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Publication Drishti The Vision 
Edition 6th edition 2023
Language Hindi

Drishti NTA UGC NET JRF SLAT Paper 1 - Comprehensive Guide, 6th Edition 2023

Welcome to Drishti The Vision's guide for NTA UGC NET JRF SLAT Paper 1. The 6th edition, published in 2023, is meticulously crafted in Hindi to ensure your preparation for the UGC NET exam is comprehensive and thorough. Spanning 554 pages, this guide encapsulates all essential topics, providing a robust foundation for your exam preparation.

Key Highlights of the Book:

  • 554 pages of in-depth insights and thorough coverage of all essential topics.
  • Designed and structured in Hindi for comprehensive understanding.
  • Fully updated with the latest examination pattern and syllabus.
  • Authentic and reliable content by Drishti The Vision.

About Drishti The Vision:

Drishti The Vision, a pioneering publication in the field of competitive exam guides, brings to you a series of books aimed at helping aspirants across the country in various competitive exams. Our guides, including the NTA UGC NET JRF SLAT Paper 1, are designed with precision and thoroughness to ensure your preparation is sound and holistic.

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Embark on a successful preparation journey with Drishti NTA UGC NET JRF SLAT Paper 1 guide. Order your copy now and step closer towards your dream career in academia and research.

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