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  • Arihant IAS Mains Paper 3 Technology Economic Development Bio Diversity Environment, Security & Disaster Management 2022

Arihant IAS Mains Paper 3 Technology Economic Development Bio Diversity Environment, Security & Disaster Management 2022

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Technology, Economic Development, Biodiversity, Environment, Security & Disaster Management

General Studies Paper 3, Technology, Economic Development, Biodiversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management, is a vast and diverse paper, in terms of the syllabus and content. The paper tests the candidates for their knowledge regarding issues like Growth and Development of Indian Economy, Application of Science and Technology in everyday life, Issues related to IT, Space, Computers, Nanotechnology and Biotechnology, Environmental Issues, Disaster Management, Security Issues and Terrorism. Thus, the preparation of this paper requires a good strategy and comprehensive knowledge. This book provides the candidates a comprehensive and systematic coverage of all the topics of the paper.

The book consists of an in-depth coverage of all the topics in the syllabus at one place with conceptual clarity to fulfill the need and demand of aspirants.


Relationship between Land Reforms, Agriculture Productivity and Elimination of Poverty

Detailed explanation for issues related to Society and Woman

Special exam-oriented structure, in accordance with the UPSC syllabus.

Discussion of the theoretical concepts with contemporary examples.

Unit-wise Exam Pattern Questions based on UPSC pattern

PublicationArihant Publication 
AuthorAmibh Ranjan, Sujit Kumar, Yashwant Singh Rana


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